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Mosquitoes bites: swelling, itching and wheals

Le punture di zanzara provocano una reazione allergica che si manifesta con prurito e gonfiore

The bite of a mosquito has an immediate effect on our body: the affected part swells, reddens and triggers an unbearable itch, that is, the so-called ponfo appears. (Find out why mosquitoes sting).

Mosquito bites provoke a defense reaction of our immune system

A defence mechanism

The presence of swollen and itchy ponfi following a mosquito bite is due to a local allergic reaction of our immune system that counteracts the substances contained in the saliva that the mosquito injects. Mosquito through saliva injects substances to anesthetize, dilate blood vessels and thin blood (anticoagulant effect).

Thus swelling, redness and itching are not caused by mosquito but by the release of histamine by mast cells (immune cells) to counter the external threat. The concentration of histamine in the area of the puncture causes the stinging type effects.

These symptoms disappear normally within a few hours or at most a few days, however there are small remedies to alleviate the effects of mosquito bite.

Remedies against mosquito bite

Meanwhile, avoid scratching the affected part as much as possible so as not to cause deep lesions to the epidermis that can then become infected. Apply an ice cube or ammonia solution to the area, help narrow the blood vessels and relieve itching. Use ointments with soothing power to reduce itching and irritation. Also useful is the application of a cortisone-based ointment that counteracts the effect of histamine, reduces swelling and relieves itching.

If the symptoms worsen (the appearance of fever or excessive swelling) it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Prevention means better protection from mosquito bites

Prevention and control of the environment form the basis of the treatment of pathologies related to mosquito bites. There are people who give up going out in the periods and times of most mosquito activity, install a perimeter mosquito control system in your garden/ terrace drastically and permanently reduces the risk of being stung.


Free from mosquitos!

Have you got any problems with mosquitoes?

Defender System can always help you to solve your mosquitoes problems.

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